Neapolitan Nostalgia: Recreating Authentic Italian Pizza

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1. Start with the Right Dough 

Authentic Neapolitan pizza begins with a soft, elastic dough made from simple ingredients: flour, water, salt, and yeast. Use high-quality Italian "00" flour for the best results, as it creates a light and airy crust with a tender texture. 

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2. Follow Traditional Techniques 

Neapolitan pizza dough is traditionally hand-kneaded to develop gluten and create a supple texture. Allow the dough to rise slowly at room temperature for several hours or overnight to develop flavor and improve digestibility. 

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3. Keep it Simple with Sauce 

Neapolitan pizza sauce is minimalistic, typically made from San Marzano tomatoes, salt, and a drizzle of olive oil. Crushed San Marzano tomatoes are known for their sweet, tangy flavor and are the preferred choice for authentic Neapolitan pizza sauce. 

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4. Use Fresh, Quality Ingredients  

Embrace the simplicity of Neapolitan pizza by using fresh, high-quality ingredients. Opt for fresh mozzarella cheese, preferably buffalo mozzarella, which adds a creamy texture and subtle tanginess to the pizza. Fresh basil leaves and a drizzle of extra virgin olive oil are classic toppings that enhance the flavor of the pizza. 

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5. Master the Art of Stretching 

Neapolitan pizza dough is stretched by hand to achieve a thin center with a slightly thicker, pillowy edge. Use your fingertips to gently stretch the dough from the center outward, leaving a raised border around the edge to form the characteristic cornicione, or crust. 

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6. Cook at High Heat 

Neapolitan pizza is traditionally cooked in a wood-fired oven at temperatures upwards of 800°F (427°C). While most home ovens cannot reach such high temperatures, preheat your oven to its maximum setting and use a pizza stone or steel to mimic the intense heat of a wood-fired oven. A hot oven ensures rapid cooking and creates a blistered, charred crust with a chewy interior. 

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7. Mind Your Timing 

Neapolitan pizza cooks quickly, typically in just 60 to 90 seconds in a wood-fired oven. Keep a close eye on your pizza as it bakes in the oven, rotating it as needed to ensure even cooking and caramelization. 

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8. Serve with Tradition   

Once your Neapolitan pizza is cooked to perfection, remove it from the oven and transfer it to a wooden pizza peel. Slice the pizza into wedges and serve it hot, savoring the authentic flavors and aromas of Italy. 

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