7 Yorkie Facts That Will Melt Your Heart

Yorkies are miniature bundles of joy, often fitting snugly into pockets, making them perfect for those seeking a portable and adorable furry friend.

Pocket-Sized Companion

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Despite their tiny size, Yorkshire Terriers possess bold and lively personalities, showcasing courage and confidence that outshine their stature.

Big Personalities in Small Packages

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Yorkies are renowned for their love of cuddling, seeking warmth and closeness, creating heart-melting moments for their lucky owners.

Cuddly Affection

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Their silky coats aren't just for looks; Yorkies' hair resembles human hair and can be styled in various ways, adding a touch of fashion to their adorable presence.

Fashion-Forward Fur

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

These pint-sized pups are incredibly loyal, forming strong bonds with their owners and becoming steadfast companions through thick and thin.

Loyal Companions

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

As a toy breed, Yorkies have hearts as big as their personalities, overflowing with love and devotion to their families.

Toy Breed with a Big Heart

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Yorkies maintain puppy-like appearance throughout their lives, capturing hearts with youthful and charming expressions.

Eternal Puppy Face

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings