6 Home Workouts for Quick Weight Loss

Melt away calories with classic jumping jacks. This full-body exercise boosts heart rate, making it an excellent cardio choice for quick weight loss

Jumping Jacks

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Build strength and burn fat with bodyweight squats. This simple yet powerful exercise targets your lower body and core, promoting muscle growth

Bodyweight Squats

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Elevate your heart rate and torch calories with high knees. This dynamic exercise not only works your legs but also engages your abdominal muscles

High Knees

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Strengthen your core and boost metabolism with plank variations. From standard planks to side planks, these exercises not only tone your midsection

Plank Variations

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Skip your way to a slimmer you with jump rope exercises. This fun and high-intensity workout not only burns calories

Jump Rope

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Target your abdominal muscles and burn belly fat with bicycle crunches. This effective exercise engages multiple muscle groups

Bicycle Crunches

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings