6 Carb-Free Pre-Workout Power Snacks

These bite-sized wonders combine the goodness of peanut butter and protein, giving you a powerful energy kick before hitting the gym

Peanut Butter Balls

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

A delightful mix of Greek yogurt and fresh berries, this parfait not only satisfies your sweet tooth but also provides the necessary protein for a carb-free pre-workout boost

Greek Yogurt Berry Parfait

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

For a savory option, try these avocado and turkey roll-ups. Packed with healthy fats and lean protein

Avocado Turkey Roll-Ups

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings

Ditch the bread and opt for lettuce wraps filled with protein-packed egg salad. It's a carb-free and satisfying option

Egg Salad Lettuce Wraps

Yellow Star
Yellow Dots
Blue Rings